Tewkesbury Medieval Festival Parade
Today, for the first time ever, our school took part in the community parade, part of Tewkesbury Medieval Festival. This is the third year that there has been a community parade with approximately 900 participants from schools, community groups, re-enactors and entertainers. The parade was led by the town band, included some Italian flag wavers and the Pentacle Drummers from Eastbourne.
We were blown away by the turn out from our school today. Appriximately 70 children took part in the parade, supported by several members of staff and of course our PTFA who had provided the T shirts for the day. It was truly amazing to see so many families and members of the community lining the streets to enjoy the parade - hopefully this is an event that the children will remember being a part of for a very long time.
Huge thanks go to Jo Teague, festival artist, for working with us over the last few weeks to create the puppets and spoons used in today's parade.
Thank you to the PTFA for running with the idea, organising the day and turning out in force on a warm Sunday morning!
Thanks also to Mrs Vignaux and Rachel for producing the T shirts we wore today.
Finally, huge thanks to Max, Samuel and Dave who put in a hot shift contolling the puppets whilst unable to see! Thank you all!
Well done Ashchurch!